Copyright Notice from the Conewango Club
The entire contents of this website are copyrighted under the Copyright Law of the United States Title 17 U.S.C. §101, et seq. as amended. Users may download or print materials for their own noncommercial use only but all other copying, redistribution, or publication of any part of this website is strictly prohibited. The information on this website is provided on an “as is” basis without any warranties, expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. The Conewango Club,makes no representation of warranty that access to this site will be available on a timely basis, will be uninterrupted, or will be error-free. In no event shall the Conewango Club, its affiliates or subsidiaries, or their respective officers, directors, employees, agents, representatives, licensors, or respective heirs and assigns be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive, or other damages, even if informed of the possibility of such. The Conewango Club makes no claims whatsoever regarding the accuracy or availability of any information available through any person not affiliated with the Conewango Club, including material obtained from links to other websites contained within this or affiliated sites.